
Why Saying No Is Important For a Healthy Life

I can say with confidence that the majority of my clients have one underlying problem that has led them to my office. They have not yet learned to say “no.” If you have not yet developed the skill to consciously use this one small word, your emotional health will suffer greatly over the long term.

What Story Are You Telling Yourself?

We all have a victim story. Blame can be laid upon not only strangers, but frequently upon parents, partners, friends, teachers, coworkers, neighbors, and even the government for whatever situation brings discomfort.
As a therapist, many of the people I sit with have a story to tell. Often that story boils down to being victimized in some way.

3 Ways Prayers Can Help You Heal

The grieving man stooped in sadness, accepting condolences from friends, loved ones, strangers. He wept over his sister’s untimely passing. She was my colleague and a friend, so I attended her funeral to pay my respects. I admit, I also went for another reason.