Month: September 2017

Yes, You Are A Dancer; But Who Are you Really?

Being a dancer informs how many people feed their bodies, how they schedule their time around class, rehearsals and performances, and for some, even how they groom their hair and tailor their appearance in general.
Being a dancer is a full mind-body-spirit endeavor. I hear a lot of dancers (half) joke that they can hardly think about anything else but dance!

How Are You Feeling? Chronic Illness and Coping with Questions

It is a simple question, but one that can cause more inner turmoil than most of us realize.
“How are you feeling?”
For countless people living with a longer-term or chronic illness, that seemingly innocent question can be loaded with emotions.
As a psychotherapist specializing in living with chronic conditions, I hear countless people wonder aloud if people really want the truth. Or they worry that the truth, some variation of “not so good,” will be followed by awkward silence or unwanted advice.